(ed.) Energy Ethics. Intergenerational Perspectives in and for the ASEAN Region. Guna Chakra Research Center. Assumption University & Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Bangkok. ISBN: 978-616-279-918-1. Bangkok. 2016
(2001) Konsum - Lifestyle - Selbstverwirklichung. Konsummotive Jugendlicher und nachhaltige Bildung. Weingarten. (Weingarten University of Education): Sozialökonomik und Didaktik. Bd. 3; ISBN 3-924945-38-1
(1999) Aristoteles’ Theorie des glückseligen Lebens und Eudaimonie als praktisch anwendbares Lebenskonzept auf der Grundlage der Nikomachischen Ethik. MA Thesis. Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (unpublished)
Journal Papers / Contributions to Anthologies / Essays
(wip) An ethical enquiry into Alphabeth’s “Don’t be evil”
(wip) An etymological inquiry into the notion of stake and its implications for the concept of stakeholders
(wip) Olfactory Bracketing
(wip) Data Responsibility – dystopian visions regarding privacy, data utilization, and human submergence in networks in The Circle
(wip) Future Communities as Stakeholders
(wip) Ecosystems as Stakeholders
(wip) Philosophical Implications of Mpho M'Atsepo Nthunya’s “Singing away the hunger”
(under review) ‘Eco-polis’: Environmental Sustainability in Ecotopian Cities.
(under review) Well-Being and Sustainability Enhancing Mobility along Khlongs: City Canal Commuting with Bikes & Boats in Bangkok.
Meinhold, Roman. 2018. Human Energy & Well-being – Philosophic-Anthropological Presuppositions of Human Energy Production & Consumption and their Implications for Well-being and Sustainability. In: Relations – Beyond Anthropocentrism. 6/2. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7358/rela-2018-002-mein
Meinhold, Roman. 2018. Karaoke – Imitatio Prominentis – Imitatio Dei. In: The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. 30/2 Summer 2018. 113-138. doi:10.3138/jrpc.2017-0010 WoS, ES / SCIMAGO Q2 (2017)
(2016) Introduction: Energy Ethics – Nuclear Challenges, Intergenerational Considerations and Water as an Essential Factor of Energy Production. In: Meinhold, Roman (ed.) Energy Ethics. Intergenerational Perspectives in and for the ASEAN Region. Guna Chakra Research Center. Assumption University & Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Bangkok. ISBN: 978-616-279-918-1. Bangkok. 2016, pp IX-XIII
(2016) Mind Occupations: Myths in Gaseous-Plasmatic Environments and their Impact on South-East Asian Metropolitan Lifestyles. In: Varghese, Saji (ed.): Globalization and Cultural Pluralism: Challenges and Possibilities. New Delhi: Akansha, pp124-138
(2015) Pain and Catharsis in Art, Ritual and Therapy. In: George, Siby & Jung, Pravesh (ed.) Cultural Ontology of the Self in Pain. New Delhi Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London: Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2601-7_5
(2015) Introduction. In: Meinhold, Roman (ed.): Environmental Values Emerging from Cultures & Religions of the ASEAN Region. Guna Chakra Research Center, Assumption University, Bangkok
(2013) “Compassion and Catharsis”. In: Alam, Edward (Ed.) Compassion and Forgiveness, Religious and Philosophical Perspectives. Notre Dame University Press: Louaize, ISSN 978-9953-558-40-0
(2012) “A Transdisciplinary Account on Otherness in the Context of Intercultural Ethics” (translated into Persian by ‘Alī Rizā Sayād Mansūr). Khirade Mana, No.2, September 2012, The Association of Philosophical Studies, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Tehran, Iran.
(2009) Mode. [Fashion] In: Bohlken, Eike/Thies, Christian (Hg.) Handbuch Anthropologie. Der Mensch zwischen Natur, Kultur und Technik. Stuttgart/Weimar. Metzler. p. 383-386, ISBN-10: 3476022285; ISBN-13: 9783476022288
(2007) Meta-Goods in Fashion Myths. Philosophic-Anthropological Implications of Fashion Advertisements. In: Prajna Vihara. Journal of Philosophy and Religion. Bangkok, Assumption University. Vol.8., No.2, July-December 2007. 1-17. ISSN 1513-6442
(2003) Defloration und Entheiligung. In: Die Zeit Nr. 2. Frankfurt a.M. 02.01.2003 (Stellungnahme zu: Vorholz, Fritz: Tanz um die Dose. Zeit Nr. 52; Frankfurt a.M. 2002)
(2002) Mythos Dose. In: ZEIT-SCHRIFT für interdisziplinäre Bildung und praktische Philosophie. Mainz, Weingarten. 25
(2002) Unzeitgemäße Denk-Anstöße der antiken griechischen Philosophie für zeitgemäße Lebensstile. In: ZEIT-SCHRIFT für interdisziplinäre Bildung und praktische Philosophie. Mainz, Weingarten. 42-44
(1999) Aspekte von Furcht und Angst. In: ZEIT-SCHRIFT für interdisziplinäre Bildung und praktische Philosophie. Mainz. 24-28
(1998) Der Mensch, ein Teil der Natur? In: ZEIT-SCHRIFT für interdisziplinäre Bildung und praktische Philosophie. Mainz. 17-21
Encyclopedia Articles
(2013) Ecotopia. in: Paul B. Thompson and David M. Kaplan (eds.) Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Food Ethics (Springer)
(2012) Virtual Reality. In: Salem Science. Applied Science. Salem Press/EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey, (vol. 5) pp. 1931–1937
(2012) Hypnosis. In: Salem Science. Applied Science. Salem Press/EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey, (vol. 3) pp. 1026–1030
(2012) Somnology. In: Salem Science. Applied Science. Salem Press/EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey, (vol. 4) pp. 1681–1686
(2011) Overconsumption. In: Energy & Energy Use: Salem Singles. EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey
(2011) Overconsumption. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues, Revised Edition. Salem Press/EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey, p 944-5
(2011) Subsistence Use. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues, Revised Edition. Salem Press/EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey, p 1186
(2011) Ecotopia. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues, Revised Edition. Salem Press/EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey, p 420-1
(2011) Ecological Economics. In: Encyclopedia of Environmental Issues, Revised Edition. Salem Press/EBSCO, Ipswich, Mass. and Hackensack, New Jersey, p 406-7
Editing (journals / proceedings)
co-edited with Rakotsoane, F.L.C. (2007) Tradition and Modernity: Boleswa. Occasional Papers in Theology and Religion. ISSN 1818-3816
co-edited with Mawondo, S.Z. and Rakotsoane, F.L.C. (2006) Boleswa. Occasional Papers in Theology and Religion: Religion and Society in Southern Africa. ISSN 1818-3816
co-edited with Lackmann, Jürgen (1997-2004) ZEIT-SCHRIFT für interdisziplinäre Bildung und praktische Philosophie - Journal for Interdisciplinary Education and Applied Philosophy. Mainz, Weingarten. ISSN 1434-534X
(w.i.p.) co-edited with Mushonga, Munya and Rakotsoane, F.C.L. (201X) The African Philosophy of Simon Mawondo.